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CSM 2013 Self Evaluation
2013 Self Evaluation
All-College Accreditation Meeting on Friday, May 10

Dear Colleagues,

This is a reminder that there will be an all-college accreditation meeting on Friday, May 10, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in College Center, Room 195. The primary purpose of this meeting is to provide the entire college community one last opportunity to give feedback on the 2013 Institutional Self Evaluation Report. Between mid-May and mid-June, the report will be finalized and prepared for distribution to the Board of Trustees.

In preparation for the all-college meeting, I invite you to read the third draft of the Report, which will be posted this afternoon at If you want a printed copy, please contact Laura Demsetz. Laura and I, who are the co-chairs of the 2013 Institutional Self Evaluation, look forward to receiving your comments at the meeting.

At the conclusion of the accreditation discussion at the meeting, Henry Villareal, Chair of the Budget Planning Committee, will provide a brief update on the college budget.

Susan Estes, Ph.D.
Accreditation Liaison Officer
Vice President of Instruction
College of San Mateo
1700 West Hillsdale Boulevard
San Mateo, California 94402
(650) 574-6404