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Accreditation Timeline Second Draft
CSM 2013 Self Evaluation
2013 Self Evaluation
Third Draft of the Institutional Self Evaluation

Dear College Community,

Please submit your comments here.
We are nearing the completion of our 2013 Institutional Self Evaluation. In March, the Standards Committees submitted the third and final draft of their work. We have updated and revised these drafts based on comments from the college community and recent developments on campus and will continue to do so as we finalize the 2013 Institutional Self Evaluation Report, which will be distributed to the Board of Trustees in mid-June.

In addition to the responses to the four Accreditation Standards, the Report will include an overview of the College and an extensive appendix of evidentiary information now required by ACCJC.The links below provide samples of some of this material. You will also find an example of how evidence will be referenced in the final version of the Report; to facilitate ongoing revisions, links to evidence are still embedded in the text of much of the third draft.

We are grateful to the members of the Standards Committees for their extensive work over the past two years and to the many members of the college community who have provided comments on earlier drafts. We also thank PRIE its outstanding work on the presentation of information for both the overview of the College and the appendix of evidentiary information. In addition, we are grateful to Milla McConnell-Tuite for her help in revising and editing portions of the third draft.

Please review the third draft of the Institutional Self Evaluation. This is the last opportunity for feedback from across the college. We look forward to receiving your comments at the all-college meeting on Friday, May 10, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in College Center, Room 195. You can also use the comment box above or send email directly to us no later than May 17.

Susan Estes and Laura Demsetz
Co-chairs, 2013 Institutional Self Evaluation