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Labor Day Holiday Weekend
August 31 - September 2, 2024
Back to School Bash
September 9, 2024
Flex Day (No Classes)
October 9, 2024
Request Information
Office of the Vice President of Student Services
College and District Policies/Student Complaint Procedures

College of San Mateo is committed to an educational environment that is free from interference and disruption and that fosters a climate of honesty, integrity, and mutual respect. The following San Mateo County Community College District and College of San Mateo policies and publications are important for you to become familiar with.
Student Complaint Procedures
The following policies and forms are available to students who believe that their rights have been violated or they have been treated unfairly.
Most complaints, grievances, and disciplinary matters are resolved at the college/district. Individuals are strongly encouraged to make every attempt to resolve matters through appropriate processes outlined in the policies. Matters that are not resolved at the college/district level may be processed by using the following agencies: