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Guided Pathways

Program Mapper

In the pilot phase, Program Mapper will begin to showcase the academic opportunites available to students at College of San Mateo.Thank you to all the students, faculty and staff who helped support the Inventory Project and creation of our very own College of San Mateo Program Mapper.

Link to College of San Mateo's Program Mapper


In Fall 2019 we set out to draft maps of over 140 degree and certificates that College of San Mateo offers. The Program Mapper is a website that provides students a tool to explore the degree and certificate options available to them at College of San Mateo. The website showcases the Academic & Career Communities, details on specific academic programs including program overview, career information and sample program maps. Collaborating with instructional faculty, counselors and student focus groups, the Guided Pathways Steering Committee supported the work of mapping sample pathways for students. These sample pathways are different than individual Student Education Plans (SEP) as it provides an overview of the academic pathway. Students are encouraged to meet with their counselor to develop their individual SEP.

What's Next?

Over the course of the next several months, we will be working with student focus groups to gather their input and ensure the Program Mapper information is clear for new and continuing students.  

In the 2021-2022 academic year, we will focus on further discussions related to general education patterns, development of 3-year maps and maps with emphasis areas. We will also continue to collaborate with faculty and staff working on the CRM & Degree Works. 

Inventory Project Design Principles

Why Design Principles? As College of San Mateo began the process of mapping programs through college-wide collaborations, we recognized the need to keep our discussions and decision making grounded in equity and focused on students. 

Our Vision: College of San Mateo will create an equity-minded, student-centered environment that empowers students to reach their educational goals.

Prioritize Student Experience

  • Encourage career and major exploration
  • Provide guidance and clear paths for student
  • Establish program specific milestones

Provide Clear Pathways

  • Streamline prerequisites and degree requirements
  • Provide balanced course load recommendations as students progress semester by semester
  • Identify course sequences based on student need, considering part-time and full-time students, as well as exploration and/or changing majors

Collaborate Across Disciplines

  • Focus on common career, transfer, and completion goals
  • Map ideal programs by identifying specific course sequencing and pairings
  • Encourage opportunities to talk about shared courses that may meet multiple degree and certificate requirements

Program Mapper Timeline

  • Fall 2019: Inventory Project Kick Off
  • Spring 2020: Initial counselor and faculty review of submitted maps. Guided Pathways Steering Committee begins vetting process of all online platforms; facilitates discussions at Division meetings. 
  • Fall 2020: Kickoff Meeting. CSM provides local curriculum data. Consult with Curriculum Chair & Curriculum & Instructional Systems Specialist
  • Jan 2021: Concentric Sky cleans data
  • Feb 2021: Program Mapper team begins using tool
  • March 2021: Mapping begins (prioritized mapping ADT, local degrees, then certificates) 
  • April 2021: Review of maps with faculty. Consult with Curriculum Chair & Curriculum & Instructional Systems Specialist. Consult with AS President.
  • May 2021: Soft Launch
    • Website becomes available internally starting May 20, 2021
    • Conduct student focus groups
  • June 2021: Continue student focus groups. Work with marketing to make site publicly available. Update Program Mapper to 2021-2022 catalog year.
  • August 2021: Program Mapper Campaign Kickoff
  • Fall 2021: Further conversation about GE. Further development of 3-year maps and maps with emphasis areas. Further collaboration with counseling department. Further collaboration with district on CRM and Degree Works integration.