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Final Examinations
December 10-16, 2024
Winter Recess
December 24 - January 1
Spring Classes Begin
January 13, 2025
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Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)


Contact Us

Natalie Alizaga
Research Inquiry and Institutional Effectiveness Manager, PRIE
(650) 574-6565

Guillermo Cockrum
SLO Coordinator

Tarana Chapple
Dean, Academic Support and Learning Technologies (ASLT)
(650) 574-6572
The process of outcomes assessment helps us understand how educational programs are working and determine whether they are contributing to student growth and development. Assessment guides effective decision-making at the course level; program level, including student services and special programs; and institutional level.

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As a college, we must constantly ask ourselves two related questions about student learning:
  • How are students learning?
  • And where can we help them learn better?
The student learning outcomes (SLO) assessment cycle is an institutional process by which faculty and staff systematically address these questions, act on what they find out, and communicate the results to the college and community.

The goals of assessment are:
  • To inform planning by identifying areas of need and/or effective practices around student learning;
  • To create a community of practice that supports continuous improvement in student learning;
  • To enhance students' educational experience beyond the classroom through sustained interdisciplinary collaboration around shared learning outcomes. 

What you will find here:

  • Assessment - An Institutional Overview: the role of assessment in institutional processes (planning, reporting, committee responsibilities, etc.)
  • Assessment at CSM FAQs: What we are supposed to do, and why and when we are supposed to do it.
  • Assessment and Program Review: A detailed guide to responding to assessment questions on the instructional, student services and learning centers program review.
  • Toolkits: How to develop, assess, and document course, program or service outcomes.
  • Archive: Trainings and workshops, sample assessment tools, other resources.
  • Reports: Assessment activities and results (under the Resources tab).