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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Editing a Page
There are several ways to get to the editor window for a page. Here are the three most common methods:
  1. If the page you want to edit has been published and you are not already logged in to OmniUpdate, you can navigate to the page in your browser, click the CSM icon, and log in as described previously.  After logging in you will see a preview of the page, with the orange Edit button (Edit icon) displayed in several locations on the page.  Click on the Edit button that appears in the white, body section of the page (see Figure 1).
  2. If you are logged in to OmniUpdate and have the file navigation tree displayed on the left side of your browser window you can click on the file name of the page that you want to edit. This will bring up the page in preview mode. Click on the Edit button above the preview pane. This will refresh the page with the orange Edit button (Edit icon).  Click on the Edit button that appears in the white, body section of the page.
  3. If the file navigation list is fully expanded and you click on the file name of a page, OmniUpdate will check out the page to you and you will page with the orange Edit buttons, as in option 1 above. Click on the Edit button that appears in the white, body section of the page.
Note iconNote:  Do not edit any section of the page except the body. While you may see the orange Edit button in three or four places, the only one you should use is the button in the body section of the page (the area with a white background, below the slide show and blue title bar).

Figure 1: Edit only the body section (outlined in red)
Body section of page