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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Music Major Program

Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) in Music
The AA and AA-T degrees are comprehensive programs of study designed to provide the music student with a strong, well-rounded foundation in:
  1. Harmony & Musicianship - written and analytical skills and aural training (ear training); and
  2. Creative Expression - performance and composition opportunities throughout the course of study
The Music Department offers the music major a full two-year (4-semester) sequential course of study in both harmony and aural skills. In addition, each semester the music major student will receive private instruction on his/her principal instrument from leading Bay Area musicians (Mus. 501-504). The student will also be involved each semester in one or more of the diverse ensemble and performance class offerings, with performance opportunities both on and off campus.

See Degree & Certificates for details.

Transfer Opportunities

The College of San Mateo's Music Department offers all the lower division theory and musicianship core classes required of any music major at four-year institutions. This enables the transfer-bound music major to be eligible to enter a college or university of his/her choice as an upper division (junior) student.  Students who complete the AA-T receive guaranteed admission into the California State University system and additional benefits as described in the College Catalog. 

For more information about transferring to other colleges, visit the Transfer Services website.