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Careers in Mathematics -
Operations Researcher

What is operations research?

Operations research is the mathematical science of organizational problems. For example operations research is concerned with optimum allocation of resources, optimum scheduling, forecasting models, and inventory control.

What is a problem an operations researcher might work on?
The operations researcher may be asked to construct a model for airline flight scheduling. He/she would have to take into acount the amount of fuel requried, passenger demand, ticket prices, pilot schedules, and maintenance. The object is to produce the best flight schedule.

Who hires operations researchers?
Companies in almost any industry that is concerned with resources, scheduling, and monitoring services.

Where can you study operations research?
University Department
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Cal Poly Pomona Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Stanford University Engineering and Economic Systems and Operations Research
UC Berkeley Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
USC Industrial and Systems Engineering

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