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Dream Center

DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)

What is DACA?

In light of the 2016 election results, here's what you need to know about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA):
  • Initial DACA Applicants - At the time, it may not be in an individual's best interest to file a DACA application as a first-time applicant given the uncertainty of the program. However, if a community member still wants to pursue an initial DACA application, fully aware of the risks of giving the Trump Administration their person information, the EBCLC will assist with the initial application.
  • Renewal DACA Applicants - For those who need a DACA renewal (as in their DACA is expiring before the end of Summer 2017), we can continue to support in the applicaiton process and fees. Please do not contact us regarding a renewal at the time if your DACA doe not expire before September 2017.
  • Please note DACA is discretionary, and thus this program may be discontinued under the Trump Administration at any time. Individuals with DACA may lose work authorization or may not be allowed to renew their work authorization. If this happens, we will work with students to brainstorm creative strategies with regards to both legal status and work authorization.
  • Do not apply for an initial or DACA renewal if you have a reent criminal history, as this may make you a priority for removal and provide the government with the information it needs to deport you. Consult with the attorney in such cases.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a kind of administrative relief from deportation. The purpose of DACA is to protect eligible immigrant youth who came to the United States when they were children from deportation. DACA gives young undocumented immigrants: 1) protection from deportation, and 2) a work permit. The program expires after two years, but may be renewed.

Please Note: DACA does not grant a path to permanent residency or citizenship. The DREAM Act, which would lead to permanent residency, has not passed. It is very likely the President Trump will end this program. As such, undocumented youth should not submit initial DACA applications at this time, but wait to see whether the program will end, or whether the new administration will continue it.

What Are The Requirements For DACA?

  • You were under 31 years old as of June 15, 2012;
  • You first came to the United States before your 16th birthday;
  • You have lived continuously in the United States from June 15, 2007 until the present;
  • You were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012 and at the time you apply;
  • You came to the United States without documents before June 15, 2012, or your lawful status expired as of June 15, 2012;
  • You are currently studying, or you graduated from high school or earned a certificate of completion of high school or GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or military (technical and trade school completion also qualifies); and
  • You have not been convicted of a felony, certain significant misdemeanors (including a single DUI), or three or more misdemeanors of any kind. Consult with an attorney about any contact you have had with law enforcement or immigration authorities.