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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
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Career Services

What's Your Why?

What's Your Why Logo

Our current focus is helping students to discover their purpose, their answer to the question, "What's Your Why?" Once students are empowered to realize their "Why," we can help them with the "How."

Krystal Duncan, Dean

Everyone has talents, gifts, skills, and abilities that they can offer in this world. Everyone has purpose. We are committed to helping students realize how their skills, abilities, natural desires and interests can turn into meaningful life work with a livable wage.

Our Career Counselors are here to help students articulate and discover their purpose, which leads to a particular area of focus or pathway. Once students are clear about their area of focus, then they can begin meeting with General and Career Counselors to develop their path (the “How”). Once students are equipped with their purpose and their path then they are ready to explore the possibilities (“the What”) open to them.

Purpose Path Possibilities
Why How What

Often times we reverse this order:
We see someone who we believe to be successful and focus on their possibilities: Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, Nurse, Teacher, etc. We study their path. However, in the midst of following someone else’s path, we miss our own purpose and either never achieve the intended goal or we are unfilled when we reach it.

The Counseling Division challenges CSM students, staff, faculty and managers to declare their “Why” and to utilize their gifts, skills, talents and abilities to enrich our campus community.

See how some CSM faculty and staff define their "why"

Let us help you to FIND YOUR WHY. Students can meet with a career counselor to refine their interests and goals, and design an educational plan that links classroom learning and workplace experiences. To make an appointment with a Career Counselor, call (650) 574-6400.