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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CalWORKs Program?
The CalWORKs Program at College of San Mateo assists students receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, formerly AFDC) with a variety of coordinated support services as they purse training to increase employment opportunities that lead to self-sufficiency.

If my children are receiving CalWORKs, but I am not listed on the grant, will I qualify?
Unfortunately, you will not qualify for the campus program but may be eligible for federal grants and other campus services.

What services does the campus CalWORKs Program provide?
Eligible students receive assistance with counseling, priority registration, required textbooks and supplies, transportation and child care costs, work-study, workshops, trainings, and computer access. Students also receive guidance in applying for federal financial aid and CSM scholarships, advocacy with the Human Services Agency, and referral to campus and community resources.

How long will I be able to receive campus CalWORKs services?
As long as you are receiving cash assistance (TANF) for yourself, are in good standing with the county and fulfill the Student Educational Contact (SEC), you will continue to receive services.

What's the Student Educational Contract (SEC)?
The Student Educational Contract (SEC) outlines what the CalWORKs Program expects students to do to remain in good standing, such as: complete counselor contacts, maintain a 'C' grade point average, and develop and follow a Student Educational Plan (SEP).

What are the benefits of CalWORKs work-study?
To help you meet the county's 32-hour work/school requirement, the CalWORKs Program provides campus workstudy opportunities that allow you to work up to 20 hours a week when classes are in session and 37.5 hours (budget permitting) during summer and inter-sessions. Also, work-study income is not counted against your county grant.

Am I guaranteed CalWORKs work-study if I participate in the campus program?
Eligible students are offered work-study on a first-come, first-served basis while funding lasts. Priority is given to students who have not yet completed their stated educational goal.

How do I sign-up for CalWORKs work-study?
Simply let the CalWORKs coordinator know you are interested in campus work-study. You will receive a referral form to take to the campus Financial Aid Office.

What is the difference between the CalWORKs and CARE programs?
CARE assists EOPS students who are at least 18 years old, single-head of household, with at least one child 14 or younger. The student or the child(ren) must be receiving TANF as opposed to CalWORKs where the student must be the TANF recipient. Also, CARE requires full-time enrollment; CalWORKs does not.

Who do I contact for more information?
To learn more about the CSM CalWORKs Program, please call (650) 574-6155, or visit Building 10, Room 112.