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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Biology & Health Science
CalTeach CalTeach information/CSM Aurora Project
Mohsen Janatpour and Kathy Diamond

UC CalTeach
from California Teach Science and Mathematics Initiative at

The mission of Cal Teach is to encourage mathematics, science, and engineering undergraduates to explore careers in teaching by providing opportunities for coursework and paid field placements with mentor teachers in local schools. Cal Teach is helping to address the shortage of highly qualified math and science teachers in California while helping our students find rewarding and meaningful careers.

Cal Teach came about as a result of a partnership between California's universities, K-12 schools, and government and industry leaders to address the growing need for mathematics and science teachers in California. The goal of the partnership is to place, beginning in 2010, one thousand new math and science teachers each year into California's classrooms. Cal Teach, the name of the UC Berkeley program, is part of the California Teach Science and Mathematics Initiative (SMI).

Aurora Project
The community college component of Cal Teach Science and Mathematics Initiative. Students receive scholarships
each semester.

Mohsen Janatpour, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, and Kathy Diamond, Professor of Biology, taught the first semester of CalTeach Fall 2008. The three-semester program consists of Biology 126/Physics 126 (K-5), Bio/Phys 127 (middle school) and Bio/Phys 128 (high school), each one unit. All three classes are offered both Fall and Spring semesters, and meet together so students can compare the teaching experience in different grade levels.

Each student is matched with a mentor teacher at the appropriate level for the course. Each student:
  • Learns about K-12 teaching careers and studies requirements for earning a California teaching credential
  • Becomes familiar with California Department of Education standards in science for K-12
  • Develops and teaches one or more class lessons in physical or life sciences or math
  • Assists in K-12 classroom with mentor teacher for 15 hours (K-5, Middle School) or 30 hours (High School)
Each mentor's responsibilities are to:
  • Introduce the student to school policies, management of classes and other general school practices
  • Share his/her philosophy and approaches to science and math teaching with the student
  • Direct the student to assist the class in science and/or math lessons, and provide for the student to teach a science lesson developed in the CSM class
  • Complete a student evaluation form
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