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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Alpha Gamma Sigma (AGS)

For Advisors

  • Attendance requirement may be met in one of two ways.
    1. Attend the State Convention in the spring or fall
    2. Attend the Fall Advisors Meeting at the Fall Regional Conference. Attendance at a Fall Regional Conference is mandatory if student delegates attend. If your chapter has more than one advisor, then these duties may be shared. Please be sure to sign the roll sheet at all meetings or attendance will not be recorded.
  • Dues must be paid by school check and postmarked no later than June 30th. Dues are $20 per semester. For example: a check mailed in May 2009 would count students from Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 plus dues for the 08/09 academic year. Dues will be accepted through October 31 provided a $14 late fee is included. Dues and scholarship monies should be mailed to the Treasurer.
  • Permanent Member Reports and Honor Roll Nominations must be filed by October 31st of each year. The report will cover the same academic year as dues. Reports must be filed, even when no permanent status is granted.
  • A copy of each chapter's bylaws must be on file. The chapter bylaws need to be re-filed only when they are updated.
  • Some jewelry items and all certificate items must be ordered by an advisor, and payment must be by school check or money order. See the AGS Jewelry page for prices and for items that anyone can order.  Jewelry orders should be made to the vice-treasurer. Payment goes to the treasurer.
  • Scholarship applications must be mailed by the stated deadline to the scholarship chair.
  • Please notify a state officer in writing of any changes in advisor status, including phone and address changes. It is recommended that an outgoing advisor take the time to train and inform new advisors of the responsibilities outlined here.
  • Chapters with multiple advisors should designate one advisor as chief advisor to have the ultimate responsibility for the chapter.