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CSM 2013 Self Evaluation
2013 Self Evaluation
Accreditation Update

Dear Colleagues,

The draft of the Self Evaluation Report of Educational Quality and Institutional Effectiveness is in the final stage of preparation for review by the Board of Trustees at a study session on July 10th. I invite you to read this draft, which is posted on the Accreditation Oversight Committee’s website: Click on the box in the right hand corner to access the draft of the Self Evaluation Report, which is being published in four volumes. The first two volumes are already posted, and the third and fourth volumes will be posted next week.

The fact that the Report consists of four volumes and will probably run very close to 1,000 pages indicates how much college-wide effort has gone into the preparation of this report. I commend the co-chairs and the members of the Standards committees; the members of the 2013 Institutional Self Evaluation Logistics Committee; the members of the 2013 Institutional Self Evaluation Communications Committee; the staff of the Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE); the members of the team who wrote responses to the 2007 Self Study Planning Agenda; the District liaisons who served on the Standards committees; the many members of the college community who contributed information for the Report, and the members of the Accreditation Oversight Committee for their work, thought, and energy. Together, all these participants have created a comprehensive Self Evaluation Report that accurately reflects CSM.

Thank you to Milla McConnell-Tuite, John Sewart, Monique Nakagawa, Marci Totten, and Milla Khano, who are now engaged in the final production of the report. And thank you, also, to Daniel Keller, who is proofreading the report; to Ed Seubert, who designed the cover and many of the graphics and who provided expert advice about the design of the report; and to David Locke, who, as SLO Coordinator, provided leadership for CSM’s development and ongoing assessment of student learning outcomes.

My sincere gratitude and appreciation go to Laura Demsetz, co-chair of the overall 2013 Institutional Self Evaluation process. Her contribution has been immense! Thank you, Laura!

I am very pleased that Jennifer Hughes has agreed to serve as CSM’s Accreditation Liaison Officer, beginning July 1st. Best wishes to all of you for a very successful site visit in the fall when the External Evaluation Team will be on campus from October 21 through October 24.

With appreciation,


Susan Estes, Ph.D.
Accreditation Liaison Officer
Vice President of Instruction
College of San Mateo
1700 West Hillsdale Boulevard
San Mateo, California 94402
(650) 574-6404