Dear College Community,
The Accreditation Standards Committees have been hard at work since fall. In April, we received first drafts of their work. We have carefully reviewed the drafts and are quite impressed with the work that has been done. We give our sincere thanks to the committee members and to those they interviewed for the time and effort put into these drafts and for their timely submission.
The first drafts are an important milestone in the college’s institutional self evaluation process and will provide the foundation for the Institutional Self Evaluation Report. They represent work in progress. Some sections are not complete; many include the authors’ comments and reminders for subsequent drafts. The contents will be updated based on new data (for example, the Spring 2012 Climate and Satisfaction Surveys) and ongoing campus activities (for example, the return of the Puente program, the start of the Honors Project, the revision of the mission statement, and the development of a college planning manual).
The institutional self evaluation is a college-wide effort. To inform the second draft, the Standards Committees need input from the college community. We have compiled the first drafts and color coded the margins to indicate where general updates will be added, where updates based on the planning manual will be added, and where more detail is required. This document is posted at collegeofsanmateo.edu/2013selfevaluation/firstdraft.asp along with a comment box. Comments on the first draft may be submitted through June 7 using the comment box or by email to us. During the summer, we will forward comments to the standard committees along with our detailed notes.
We encourage you to review the first draft of the 2013 Self Evaluation Report and look forward to receiving your comments.
Susan Estes and Laura Demsetz
Co-chairs, 2013 Institutional Self Evaluation