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Final Examinations
December 10-16, 2024
Winter Recess
December 24 - January 1
Spring Classes Begin
January 13, 2025
Request Information
Office of the Vice President of Instruction

Contact Us

Vice President of Instruction Staff
College Center Building 10, Room 482
(650) 574-6404
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8 am - 12 pm
1 pm - 4:30 pm
Friday Closed
The Office of Instruction is committed to providing quality education and academic student support services to engage and assist all students in achieving their educational and career goals. To ensure goal attainment for its diverse student population, the college offers programs leading to associate degrees, transfers to four-year universities, job opportunities, and technical careers. 

CSM faculty members are dedicated to teaching. To support this commitment, we encourage professional development activities for faculty to enhance the learning environment, to ensure their currency in their disciplines, to innovate teaching techniques, and to address teaching strategies for Basic Skills students. In addition, we foster a spirit of professional growth for all our staff.

The Office of Instruction staff works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that all matters related to instruction are addressed, thus striving to provide seamless services to faculty, staff, and students.

We are committed to the following goals:
  • Ensure a first-rate curriculum to promote the successful completion of students’ educational goals;
  • Provide an exceptional teaching and learning environment;
  • Offer academic support to ensure the successful completion of students’ plans;
  • Analyze evidence, make data-driven decisions, and formulate actions that ensure continuous improvement and that best address student needs, classroom pedagogy, program development, academic support services, and enrollment management;
  • Support professional development that fosters a culture of excellence.