Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
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Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
Assessment and Program Review

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What is the purpose of Program Review?

Every two years, faculty and staff must report on the state of their programs – that is to say, their discipline or service areas. This is Program Review. 

Programs are reviewed from a number of perspectives: productivity, quality of curriculum, accessibility, enrollment, and so on.

One vital component of Program Review is learning outcomes assessment. Faculty and staff report on whatever assessment activities they have organized or participated in, at the discipline level, the institutional level, or both, in the previous two years.

This report is shared with the Academic Senate, the Committee on Teaching and Learning, and the Institutional Planning Committee.

Academic Senate and its subcommittees are primarily interested in using Program Review to support a community of practice at the college: to get a larger picture of our successes, identify shared challenges and concerns, pinpoint who needs help and how to deliver it, explore patterns of student learning across the college (especially in relation to closing achievement gaps and student learning in different modalities), and use this to inform robust interdisciplinary discussions and direct flex day planning.

 Program Review

This section is a brief walk-through of Program Review, question by question. For more details, visit the Toolkit page.
Program Review question Your discussion Example
2a and 2b: Results of Previous Program Review: Describe the results of your previous Program Review's action plan and for identified equity gaps. Explain any curriculum or programmatic changes since the last Program Review.  Summarize, explain, analyze, and evaluate the activities described in your assessment plans and updates for the two years of Program Review. These include previous goals, results achieved, changes implemented, plans still in progress, and any notable or surprising results and outcomes.  2a and 2b
3a: Current Program Review - Student Population Equity. Discuss any gaps in student success, persistence, satisfaction, utilization or enrollment across student populations or student population served. Summarize, explain, analyze, and evaluate the findings from your individual program data. Note what has changed from the previous program review, factors you feel contribute to those gaps, resources provided and their impact, and plans to address opportunity gaps. 3a
3b: Current Program Review - Modes of Delivery Equity. Discuss any gaps in student success, persistence, satisfaction, utilization or enrollment and student population served across different delivery modes. Please comment on in person services/instruction vs hybrid services/instruction vs completely online services/instruction. Summarize, explain, analyze and evaluate any changes since the last Program Review. Conduct an analysis of gaps and plans to address opportunity gaps. 

3c: Discipline-Level and Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Assessment and Student Services and Service Area Outcome (SAO) Assessment. Describe learning or area assessment plans implemented since last Program Review, including activities undertaken to address equity or delivery mode gaps. Summarize what the assessment focused on, assessment results, and program improvements implemented.

For more information, see the Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) website
4. Planning. Describe and prioritize goals and plans to sustain and improve student success and equity (referring to Parts 2 and 3 above). Based on your current review of your program's equity gaps, learning assessments and challenges, and opportunities, identify specific goals and plans. 

For each goal, include a brief description of the issue being addressed, actions you plan to take, measureable outcomes you hope to achieve, a timeline, who is responsible, and what support you anticipate needing to achieve your goals and plans.

 What resources can help me?

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