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Spring 2025 Tips
Parking, waitlists, and more!
Spring Classes Begin
January 13, 2025
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 20, 2025
Request Information

How do I get to CSM?

Maps, Directions, Parking & Tours

What is the difference between a Schedule of Classes and an Annual Catalog?
The Schedule of Classes is published three times a year (for Summer Session, Fall Semester and Spring Semester) and contains course listings and course descriptions specific to that session/semester. The Catalog is published once a year, and contains suggested programs of study, a list of transferable courses (check with the specific institution you wish to attend for the most up-to-date transfer information), and degree and certificate requirements, as well as general college info.

How do I get a Schedule of Classes?
Online Schedule and Printed Schedule

When will the Schedule of Classes be available?
Schedule Delivery/Availability

How do I get an Annual Catalog?
Annual Catalog

Where do I find a personnel directory?
Contact CSM

Where do I find a list of Student Resources and hours of service?
Student Resources

What are the holidays for this term?
Important Dates

When is late registration?
Late Registration

Where do I find a bus schedule?
Public Transportation