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Presidents' Day Weekend
February 14-17, 2025
Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Institutional Learning Outcomes

For accurate, up-to-date learning outcomes for courses and programs, please check CurricUNET.

The Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) describe the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes that students should develop through any sustained experience with the college – whether courses, degree or certificate programs, pre-transfer general education pattern, or academic and support services.
  1. Independent Learning and Development - The ability of students to develop, evaluate, and pursue personal, academic, and/or career goals. Students will be able to:
    • Demonstrate effective study strategies;
    • Articulate realistic and achievable academic and/or career goals;
    • Identify and make use of college and community resources (academic and student support services)
  2. Effective Communication - The ability of students to write, read, speak, and listen in order to communicate effectively. Students will be able to:
    • Comprehend, interpret, and analyze written and oral information;
    • Express ideas and provide supporting evidence effectively in writing and in speaking;
    • Express ideas creatively through verbal and non-verbal media (e.g. music, art, dance, etc.)
    • Communicate effectively in a group or team situation
  3. Quantitative Reasoning - The ability of students to perform quantitative analysis, using appropriate resources. Students will be able to:
    • Solve a variety of problems that require quantitative reasoning;
    • Interpret graphical representations of quantitative information
  4. Critical Thinking - The ability of students to think creatively, analytically, and logically, in order to assess ideas, formulate arguments, develop multiple perspectives, and solve problems. Students will be able to:
    • Develop and evaluate arguments;
    • Analyze, synthesize and evaluate ideas as part of the creative process;
    • Assess the validity of both qualitative and quantitative evidence;
    • Apply diverse disciplinary approaches and perspectives;
    • Employ the scientific method
  5. Social Awareness and Diversity - The ability of students to recognize cultural traditions and to understand and appreciate the diversity of the human experience, past and present. Students will be able to:
    • Identify the benefits of diversity and respect the range of diversity;
    • Work effectively with others of diverse backgrounds;
    • Recognize the importance and analyze the interconnectedness of global and local concerns, both past and present
    • Identify and analyze a diversity of artistic and cultural traditions
  6. Ethical Responsibility/Community Engagement - The ability of students to make judgments with respect to individual conduct, based on systems of values. Students will be able to:
    • Recognize ethical principles;
    • Identify possible courses of action in response to ethical dilemmas and evaluate their consequences;
    • Behave ethically and respectfully when working with students, instructors, and the campus community
(Adopted by the Academic Senate of College of San Mateo, February 27, 2024)