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Carlos García Pérez

Major: Chemical Physics/Chemical Engineering

Carlos Garcia Pérez, Chemical Physics/Chemical EngineeringWhen did you know that you wanted to become a chemistry and physics major?
I knew that I wanted to become a chemistry and physics major when I was wondering how does life work, and why does it work that way? What are the forces that make me move, what are the chemical reactions that make those forces happen? These questions are what makes me feel that chemical physics may be the path for me.

Why did you choose UCSB, SJSU, UCI, or UCR?
UCSB is the only UC that has my major, San Jose State has an incredible choir program, and the other colleges have friends that I care about.

Do you often take advantage of programs and offerings at College of San Mateo?
I take advantage of some programs that I'm qualified for. I'm part of both METaS and MESA. I'm also part of the Dreamers.

Who has been your most influential role model?
My High School chemistry teacher Mr. Guzman.

What are your future plans?
Transfer and experience research along the way.

What do you like about MESA the most?
The opportunities that it provides. The reason why MESA has so many opportunities for multiple activities is because they believe in the students. The people at MESA want us students to succeed because they believe in our career path, and most importantly in us.