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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
General Information
SMCCCD Mission


The Colleges of the San Mateo County Community College District, Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College, recognizing each individual’s right to education, provide the occasions and settings which enable students to develop their minds and their skills, engage their spirits, broaden their understanding of social responsibilities, increase their cultural awareness and realize their individual potential. The District actively participates in the economic, social, and cultural development of San Mateo County. In a richly diverse environment and with increasing awareness of its role in the global community, the District is dedicated to maintaining a climate of academic freedom in which a wide variety of viewpoints is cultivated and shared. The District actively participates in the continuing development of the California Community Colleges as an integral and effective component of the structure of public higher education the State.

SMCCCD Mission

In an atmosphere of collegiality and shared responsibility, and with the objective of sustaining open access for students and being responsive to community needs, the Colleges of the San Mateo County Community College District will fulfill the following mission with excellence:
  1. provide a breadth of educational opportunities and experiences which encourage students to develop their general understanding of human effort and achievement;
  2. provide lower division programs to enable students to transfer to baccalaureate institutions;
  3. provide career and technical education and training programs directed toward career development, in cooperation with business, industry, labor, and public service agencies;
  4. provide basic skills education in language and computational skills required for successful completion of educational goals;
  5. provide a range of student services to assist students in attaining their educational and career goals;
  6. provide self-supporting community education classes, contract education and training, and related services tailored to the human and economic development of the community;
  7. provide leadership in aligning educational programs and services offered by all local educational institutions and community service organizations;
  8. celebrate the community's rich cultural diversity, reflect this diversity in student enrollment, promote it in its staff, and maintain a campus climate that supports student success.
To fulfill this educational mission, the District is committed to effective institutional research that supports the evaluation and improvement of programs, services, and student outcomes. Shared governance is practiced through processes that are inclusive with regard to information sharing and decision making, and that are respectful of all participants. The District plans, organizes and develops its resources to achieve maximum effectiveness, efficiency, equity and accountability.

The Mission is evaluated and revised on a regular basis.