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Presidents' Day Weekend
February 14-17, 2025
Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
College Policies
Step 3: Grievance Hearing Process

Grievance Committee
  • Membership - The Grievance Committee shall consist of one faculty member, one staff member and one student. Faculty members for the pool will be identified by the Academic Senate, students will be identified by the Associated Students and staff members will be identified by CSEA and the Management Group. No person shall serve as a member of a Grievance Committee if that person has been personally involved in any matter giving rise to the grievance, has made any statement on the matters at issue, or could otherwise not act in a neutral manner. Any party to the grievance may challenge for cause any member of the hearing committee prior to the beginning of the hearing by addressing a challenge to the Vice President, Student Services.

  • Grievance Officer - The Vice President, Student Services shall appoint a staff member to serve as the Grievance Officer for the Grievance Committee. This individual shall not serve as a member nor vote. The Grievance Officer shall serve to assist all parties and the Grievance Committee to facilitate a full, fair and efficient resolution of the grievance.
Hearing Process
  1. Prior to the scheduled Grievance Hearing, the Grievance Committee shall meet in private and without the parties present to select a chair and review the grounds for a hearing.
  2. The member of the Grievance Committee shall be provided with a copy of the grievance and any written response provided by the respondent before the hearing begins.
  3. Each party to the grievance may call witnesses and introduce oral and written testimony relevant to the issues of the matter.
  4. Any relevant information shall be admitted. Formal rules of evidence shall not apply.
  5. Participants: Each party to the grievance represents himself or herself, and may also be accompanied by a person or his or her choice who is observer only. Each person present will be asked to identify by name.
  6. Parties are not allowed to be represented by legal counsel.
  7. Hearings shall be closed and confidential.
  8. Witness: In a closed hearing, witnesses shall be present at the hearing only when testifying.
  9. Recording: The hearing may be recorded by the college and shall be the only recording made. If recorded, no witness who refuses to be recorded may be permitted to give testimony.
  10. Attendance: If the individual filing the grievance fails to appear at the hearing, only the written information will be used to make a recommendation.
  11. Committee Recommendation: Within five (5) days* following the close of the hearing, the Grievance Committee shall prepare and send to the Vice President, Student Services a written decision. The decision shall include specific factual findings regarding the grievance, and shall include specific conclusions regarding whether a grievance has been established as defined above. The decision shall also include a specific recommendation regarding the relief to be afforded the grievant, if any. The decision shall be based only on the record of the hearing, and not on matter outside of that record. The record consists of the original grievance, any written response, and the oral and written evidence produced at the hearing.
  12. Within seven (7) days* following receipt of the Grievance Committee's decision and recommendation(s), the Vice President, Student Services shall send to all parties his or her written decision.
  13. The student may choose to appeal if he/she meets the criteria in Step 4.
< Step 2: Review of Grievance Step 4: Appeal to the President >