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Presidents' Day Weekend
February 14-17, 2025
Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
College Policies
Step 2: Review of Grievance

Within five (5) days* following receipt of the Statement of Grievance Form, the Vice President, Student Services shall advise the student of his or her rights and responsibilities under these procedures, and assist the student, if necessary, in the final preparation of the Statement of Grievance form.
  1. In general, the requirements for the Statement of Grievance to present sufficient grounds for a hearing shall be based on the following:

    • The statement contains fact which, if true, would constitute a grievance under these procedures;
    • The grievant is a student which includes applicants and former students;
    • The grievant is personally and directly affected by the alleged grievance;
    • The grievance was filed in a timely manner;
    • The grievance is not clearly frivolous, clearly without foundation, or clearly filed for purposes of harassment
    • For a grade grievance, the trade given to a student shall be the grade determined by the instructor. In the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency (according to Education Code 76224) the grade issued by the instructor may not be changed. The appropriate Division Dean and Vice President of Instruction will assist in determining if the student's grievance meets the criteria established by the Education Code. For the specific steps for filing grade grievances, see Section B, Grade Grievances.
  2. If at the end of ten (10) days* following the student's first formal meeting, there is no informal resolution of the complaint which is satisfactory to the student, the student shall have the right to request a grievance hearing. The hearing will be scheduled within fourteen (14) days* following the decision to grant a Grievance Hearing. All parties to the grievance shall be given not less than four (4) days* notice of the date, time and place of the hearing.
< Step 1: Filing a Grievance Step 3: Review of Grievance >