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Presidents' Day Weekend
February 14-17, 2025
Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
College Policies
Step 3: Disciplinary Action(s) Recommended

If a student is found responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct, either through the Administrative Conference or Disciplinary Hearing process, one or more of the following types of disciplinary actions may be recommended, based on Board Policy, 7.70
  • Warning: An oral statement to the student that he/she is violating the Student Code of Conduct; that continuation or repetition of the conduct may be cause for further disciplinary action.

  • Reprimand: A written notice of violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

  • Disciplinary Probation: Formal written notice by the Disciplinary Officer of violation of the Student Code of conduct which includes exclusion from participation in specified activities or locations for a period not to exceed one (1) calendar year. Further violation of the Student Code of Conduct will result in more severe sanctions.

  • Restitution: Formal action by the Disciplinary Officer to require the reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. This may take the form of appropriate service or other compensation.

  • Removal from classes/program/activity: (Note: This disciplinary action may occur at any time.) Exclusion of a student by an instructor or an administrator from a class and/or facility for the day of the offense and/or the next class meeting or day. An instructor removing a student from class shall make written report or meet with the appropriate Division Dean and/or Disciplinary Officer to discuss the cause for the removal. Any college instructor, for good cause, may remove a student from the classroom for the day of the incident and the next regular class meeting. For removal from class, the following process should be followed:

    1. Before ordering the removal of any student from class, the instructor shall first give or make reasonable efforts to give the student an oral or written notice of the reasons for the proposed removal.
    2. Immediately following the removal from class, the instructor shall document the removal and notify the Division Dean and/or Disciplinary Officer of the action.
    3. If the student is a minor, the parents or legal guardian shall, within 48 hours, be notified in writing by the Disciplinary Officer.

  • Suspension: Exclusion of the student from all colleges, programs, and activities in the District for a definite period of time. An administrative hold shall be placed on the student’s electronic record, but shall not be reflected on the academic transcript.

  • Expulsion: Permanent exclusion of a student from all colleges, programs, and activities in the District for an indefinite time period, including all rights and privileges.

    Expulsion Disciplinary Process: Students who have been accused of violating the Code of Conduct go through the Steps 1-4 listed above. If, in Step 3, the recommendation is for Expulsion, the following describes the additional process for that sanction.

    Expulsion of a student is the indefinite termination of student status and all attending rights and privileges. Expulsion of a student is accomplished by action of the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the College President and the Chancellor. An expelled student shall not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester without the approval of the College President. The process is as follows:
    1. The College President shall forward to the Chancellor a letter of recommendation for expulsion which includes a brief statement of charges and a confidential statement of background and evidence relating to the charge(s).
    2. The Chancellor shall review the recommendation for expulsion with the Office of County Counsel.
    3. The Chancellor, as Secretary for the Board of Trustees, shall forward a letter to the student by certified mail advising him/her of the charges and the intention of the Board of Trustees to hold a closed session to consider his/her expulsion. Unless a student requests a public hearing in writing at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled hearing, the hearing shall be conducted in closed session.
    4. The student is entitled to be present during presentation of the case and may be accompanied by a representative. If the student chooses to be represented by an attorney, the student must so notify the Chancellor no later than five working days prior to the hearing. The student has the right to examine any materials upon which charges against him/her are based, and shall be given the opportunity to present his/her evidence refuting the charges to the Board of Trustees. The student or his/her representative may cross-examine any witness. The district bears the burden of proof.
    5. The report of final action taken by the Board of Trustees in public session shall be made a part of the public record and forwarded to the student. Other documents and materials shall be regarded as confidential and will be made public only if the student requests a public hearing.
Any level of sanction may also include a behavioral contract; community service, and/or any other directives to make amends and/or reduce the likelihood of repeating prohibited behavior.

< Step 2: Administrative Conference or Student Disciplinary Hearing Step 4: Written Decision >