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Canvas Pilot Courses - Spring 2017

InstructorCourse NameCRN
Andrade LCTR 100 A1 Effective Tutoring & Practicum 43741
Andrade LCTR 698 AO Supvsd Tutoring/Acad. Assistnc 43805
Baden ENGL 110 AD Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 41495
Baden ENGL 110 AK Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 32164
Baden ENGL 110 AV Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 43165
Baden ENGL 110 AJ Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 41071
Ball PHIL 100 AD Introduction to Philosophy 32646
Ball PHIL 100 AF Introduction to Philosophy 42282
Ball PHIL 100 OLH Introduction to Philosophy 43436
Ball PHIL 100 OMH Introduction to Philosophy 45869
Ball PHIL 200 AA Introduction to Logic 45778
Ball PHIL 244 AB Intro Ethics: Soci/Moral Issues 34537
Ball PHIL 244 AA Intro Ethics: Soci/Moral Issues 32647
Basnage ENGL 100 BL Composition and Reading 42427
Basnage ENGL 838 BA Intensive Intro to Comp/Reading 38562
Bennett DGME 102 AA Media Law & Ethics 42485
Bennett DGME 102 OLH Media Law & Ethics 42495
Bennett DGME 165 AA Digital Animation 45780
Bennett DGME 167 OLH Web Design I 43779
Bennett DGME 680MB JA Digital Advertising 45841
Bianchi-McElwee ESL 891 JA Accent Reduction for NNS 40556
Bowman ACTG 161 OLH Intermediate Accounting I 43409
Bowman ACTG 162 OLH Intermediate Accounting II 43752
Broomfield ACTG 119 OLH Personal Financial Planning 45627
Broomfield ACTG 183 J1 Taxation: Trusts Gifts Estates 44642
Bruni English 100 JD Composition and Reading 32155
Butterworth MATH 200 JD Elem. Probability & Statistics 32518
Butterworth MATH 110 OMH Elementary Algebra 45877
Butterworth MATH 200 AI Elem. Probability & Statistics 45878
Butterworth MATH 222 AA Precalculus 32524
Carrasco Reyes BIOL 250 JX Human Anatomy 39919
Carrasco Reyes BIOL 250 KX Human Anatomy  40572
Cheung ASL 100 BA American Sign Language I  45745
Cheung ASL 100 JA American Sign Language I  45234
Cheung ASL 110 JA Ameircan Sign Language II  45235
Ciesla CHEM 232 AX Organic Chemistry II 33540
Ciesla CHEM 232 BX Organic Chemistry II 31958
Ciesla CHEM 232 CX Organic Chemistry II 40363
Conaway HIST 201 AD United States History I 43432
Conaway LCTR 105 AZH Keys to Success 45253
Dailey DANC 121.1 AX Modern Dance I 44643
Dailey DANC 121.2 AX Modern Dance II 44644
Dailey DANC 121.3 AX Modern Dance III 44645
Dailey DANC 121.4 AX Modern Dance IV 44646
Dailey DANC 400.1 BX Dance Performance & Production I 44660
Dailey DANC 400.2 BX Dance Performance & Production II 44661
Dailey DANC 400.3 BX Dance Performance & Production III 45254
Dailey DANC 400.4 BX Dance Performance & Production IV 45418
Dailey FITN 334.1 AX Yoga I 43887
Dailey FITN 334.2 AX Yoga II 43888
Dailey FITN 334.3 AX Yoga III 43889
Dailey FITN 334.4 AX Yoga IV 43890
Dailey KINE 200 AA Yoga History & Culture 43307
Dailey KINE 201 AA Yoga Pedagogy Lecture 43408
Dailey KINE 202 AA Yoga Pedagogy Lab 43331
Davis DENT 702 AA Dental Science II 44776
Davis DENT 722 AX Dental Materials II 32048
Davis DENT 722 BX Dental Materials II 32049
Diamond BIOL 110 CX Genl Principles of Biology 31763
Diamond BIOL 110 DX Genl Principles of Biology 33550
Diamond BIOL 126 AX Teaching Science I: K-5 Class 42496
Diamond BIOL 126 AX Teaching Science II: Middle School 42578
Diamond BIOL 128 AX Teaching Science III: High School  42857
Diamond BIOL 230 AA Introductory Cell Biology  34273
Fainshtein DGME 211 JA Media Design I: Illustrator 43454
Fainshtein DGME 212 AA Media Design II: Photoshop 45781
Fainshtein DGME 220 AA Typography 43028
Fainshtein DGME 250 AA Digital Media Practicum 45783
Fischer MATH 145 WAA Liberal Arts Mathematics 40588
Fischer MATH 811 FA Arithmetic Review 44522
Frangos ESL 828 AD Writing Non-Native Speakers IV   33876
Gearhart BIOL 110 JX Genl Principles of Biology 34853
Gearhart BIOL 110 KX Genl Principles of Biology 40313
Hand GEOL 100 AA Survey of Geology 32355
Hand GEOL 101 AB Geology Laboratory 32357
Hand OCEN 100 AA Oceanography 32636
Hand PALN 110 AA General Paleontology 39216
Hand PALN 111 AA Paleontology Lab/Field Studies 41951
Hankamp BIOL 110 AX Genl Principles of Biology 31760
Hankamp BIOL 110 BX Genl Principles of Biology 33089
Hankamp BIOL 220 WAX General Botany 31771
Hankamp BIOL 220 WBX General Botany 43399
Harden CIS 254 OMH Intro Object-Oriented Program Design 45363
Heath ACTG 100 OLH Accounting Procedures 42475
Heath ACTG 100 OMH Accounting Procedures 42796
Heath ACTG 121 AC Financial Accounting 31606
Heath ACTG 121 JA Financial Accounting 31609
Heath ACTG 131 AA Managerial Accounting 31610
Heath ACTG 165 OLH Cost Accounting 41054
Herold DENT 770 AA Dental Office Procedures 44775
Irwin HIST 260 AA Women in American History 42640
Irwin HIST 310 AA California History  32379
Irwin HIST 310 AB California History  32380
Irwin HIST 201 AA United States History 32372
Irwin HIST 201 AF United States History 44984
Kaur NURS 241 Adv. Medical/Surgical Nursing 32629
Kaur NURS 241 Adv. Medical/Surgical Nursing 33080
Kaur NURS 241 Adv. Medical/Surgical Nursing 33081
Kaur NURS 241 Adv. Medical/Surgical Nursing 33082
Kaur NURS 241 Adv. Medical/Surgical Nursing 39462
Kaur NURS 242 Leadership/Mgmt in Nursing 33084
Kaur NURS 245 Nursing Skills Lab IV 34587
Keller ENGL 110 AA Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 32160
Keller ENGL 110 BD Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 32162
Keller ENGL 165 AB Comp, Argument & Crit Thinking 33831
Keller ENGL 165 BF Comp, Argument & Crit Thinking 42890
Laderman FILM 135 AA Film Genres 45751
Laderman FILM 215 JA Film and New Digital Media 41854
Lawrence ENGL 828 AB Basic Compostion and Reading 32220
Lawrence ENGL 838 AK Intensive Intro to Comp/Reading 44500
Lawrence IDST 101 HN Humanities Honors Seminar I  44759
Lawrence IDST 103 HN Humanities Honors Seminar II  44758
Lawrence CHEM 420 AA Health Science Chem II 31961
Li ACTG 121 AB Financial Accounting 31608
Li ACTG 131 AD Managerial Accounting 31612
Li ACTG 181 JA Taxation Indvs using Tax Softw 44641
Locke PHYS 100 OLH Conceptual Physics 44790
Locke PHYS 101 OLH Conceptual Physics Lab 45749
Locke PHYS 150 WAA Preparation for Physics 45435
Locke PHYS 211 OLH General Physics I Calculus Sup 44788
Locke PHYS 221 OLH Gen Physics II Calculus Sup 45258
Locke PHYS 270 AX Physics with Calculus III 34041
Lord ACTG 163 OLH Auditing 45634
Luck ENGL 110 AB Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking  43166
Luck ENGL 110 AG Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking  32897
Luong COUN 120 OLH College and Career Success 45214
Mangan FITN 116.1 DX Body Conditioning I 43916
Mangan FITN 116.2 DX Body Conditioning II 43917
Mangan FITN 116.3 DX Body Conditioning III 43918
Mangan FITN 116.4 DX Body Conditioning IV 43919
Mangan FITN 201.1 AX Weight Training I 44656
Mangan FITN 201.3 AX Weight Training III 44658
Mangan FITN 201.4 AX Weight Training IV 44659
Mangan KINE 101 OLH Introduction to  Kinesiology 43880
Mangan KINE 103 OLH Social Issues in Sport 45605
Mangin-Hinkley ENGL 110 AY Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 45570
Mangin-Hinkley ENGL 838 AE Intensive Intro to Comp/Reading 38563
Mangin-Hinkley ENGL 838 AG Intensive Intro to Comp/Reading 40571
Martin BIOL 260 WAX Human Physiology 31774
Maxwell ENGL 110 AN Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 32901
Maxwell ENGL 110 BG Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 41609
Maxwell ENGL 161 AX Creative Writing I 32176
Maxwell ENGL 162 AX Creative Writing II 32179
Maxwell ENGL 163 AX Creative Writing III 32182
Maxwell LIT. 202 AX American Literature II  32464
Maxwell LIT. 824 AX American Literature II 36462
Miller PLSC 200 AC National, State & Local Govt 45802
Miller PLSC 200 AA National, State & Local Govt 45800
Miller PLSC 200 AB National, State & Local Govt 45801
Miller PLSC 210 AB American Politics 35035
Miller PLSC 210 AH American Politics 12096
Miner ENGL 100 AR Composition and Reading 45551
Mullane PSYC 100 AF General Psychology 35699
Mullane PSYC 100 OLH General Psychology 43458
Mullane PSYC 410 AB Abnormal Psychology 32707
Mullane PSYC 410 OLH Abnormal Psychology 43768
Mullane SOSC 301 AA Intro to Alcohol/Drug Studies 38975
Mullane PSYC 201 JA Child Development 45797
Murphy ENGL 110 BF Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 45571
Murphy ENGL 165 BD Comp., Argument & Crit. Thinking 35372
Murphy ESL 828 AC Writing Non-Native Spkrs IV 43507
Murphy ESL 848 AB Conversation Non-Native Spkrs IV 42893
Nixon SPAN 110 AX Elementary Spanish 32793
Nixon SPAN 110 BX Elementary Spanish 41471
Nixon SPAN 112 AX Elementary Spanish II 35563
Nixon SPAN 112 BX Elementary Spanish II 40741
Nixon SPAN 120 AX Advanced Elementary Spanish 41796
Nixon SPAN 120 JA Advanced Elementary Spanish 32801
Nixon SPAN 122 AX Advanced Elementary Spanish II 41797
Nixon SPAN 131 AX Intermediate Spanish I 32803
Nixon SPAN 132 AX Intermediate Spanish II 32804
Nixon SPAN 140 AX Advanced Intermediate Spanish 32805
Perez BIOL 130 OLH Human Biology 41333
Perez BIOL 130 OMH Human Biology 44781
Perez BIOL 260 WJX Human Physiology 36640
Perez BIOL 260 WKX Human Physiology 45237
Price CIS 254 AA Intro Object Oriented Pgm Dsgn 37961
Ramirez ETHN 101 AD Latin Amer History and Cult. 40227
Ramirez ETHN 101 JA Latin Amer Hisotry and Cult. 42713
Ramirez ETHN 300 AB Introduction to LaRaza Studies 42147
Roach LIBR 100 01H Intro. to Library Research 35472
Schmidt ADAP 100 BB Adapted Aquatics 31618
Schmidt FITN 116.1 OLH Body conditioning I  44640
Schmidt KINE 119 HYH Jirst Aid/Audit & Pedi CPR  44639
Schmidt FITN 134 OLH Track and Trail Aerobics  43114
Schmidt FITN 201.1 DX Weight Training I  44879
Schmidt FITN 201.2 DX Weight Training II  44880
Schmidt FITN 201.3 DX Weight Training III  44881
Schmidt FITN 201.4 DX Weight Training IV  44882
Schmidt FITN 332.1 OLH Stretching and Flexibility I  45206
Sinarle COUN 121 OLH Planning for Student Success  45222
Travis ENGL 100 AQ Composition and Reading  45550
Travis ENGL 110 AE Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking  40552
Waechtler NURS 241 BX Adv Medical/Surgical Nursing 33080
Waechtler NURS 242 BX Leadership/Mgmt in Nursing 33083
Waechtler NURS 816 AO Open Lab for Nursing 211/212 44674
Waechtler NURS 817 AO Open Lab for Nursing 221/222 44672
Waechtler NURS 818 AO Open Lab for Nursing 231/232 44675
Waechtler NURS 819 AO Open Lab for Nursing 241/242 44673
Wallace ENGL 100 BB Composition and Reading 45552
Wallace ENGL 105 AE Intensive Composition & Reading 45557
Wallace ENGL 105 AR Intensive Composition & Reading 45559
Wallace ENGL 110 AU Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 45568
Walton DANC 100 BX Dance Appreciation 45271
Walton DANC 151.1 JX Social Dance I 44019
Walton DANC 151.2 JX Social Dance II 44020
Walton DANC 151.3 JX Social Dance III 44021
Walton DANC 151.4 JX Social Dance IV 44025
Walton DANC 167.1 JX Swing Dance I 44678
Walton DANC 167.2 JX Swing Dance II 44679
Walton DANC 167.3 JX Swing Dance III 44680
Walton DANC 167.4 JX Swing Dance IV 44681
Westfold ESL 400 AB Comp for Non-Native Speakers 42441
Whyte BIOL 100 AC Intro to Life Sciences 31756
Whyte BIOL 100 AB Intro to Life Sciences 31754
Whyte BIOL 130 AB Human Biology 40570
Williams SOCI 100 OMH Introduction to Sociology 43155
Williams SOCI 100 OLH Introduction to Sociology 45775
Williams SOCI 105 OLH Social Problems 45776