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March 30 - April 5, 2025
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March 31, 2025
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April 17, 2025
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Canvas Pilot Courses - Fall 2016

InstructorCourse NameCRN
Andrade LCTR 100 AA Effective Tutoring & Practicum 93484
Andrade LCTR 698 AO Supvsd Tutoring/Acad. Assistnc 93480
Baden ENGL 105 AK Intensive Composition &Reading 95335
Baden ENGL 828 AC Basic Composition and Reading 82326
Baden LIT. 430 AX Greek Myth & Classical Lit 82590
Baden LIT. 830 AX Greek Myth & Classical Lit 86433
Ball PHIL 100 AB Introduction to Philosophy 84895
Ball PHIL 100 AD Introduction to Philosophy 85310
Ball PHIL 100 AE Introduction to Philosophy 90336
Ball PHIL 103 AB Critical Thinking 88566
Ball PHIL 244 AA Contemp Social & Moral Issues 84725
Bruni English 100 JD 82256
Ciesla CHEM 231 AX Organic Chemistry I 82019
Ciesla CHEM 231 BX Organic Chemistry I 83357
Ciesla CHEM 231 CX Organic Chemistry I 86182
Conaway LCTR 105 C1 Keys to Success 95390
Conaway HIST 201 AA United States History I 83784
Diamond BIOL 100 AA Intro to the Life Sciences 81816
Diamond BIOL 110 CX Genl Principles of Biology 81826
Diamond BIOL 110 DX Genl Principles of Biology 83346
Diamond BIOL 123 S1H Tech/Polymerase Chain Reaction 90030
Escamilla ENGL 100 OLH Composition and Reading 95350
Hand GEOL 100 AA Survey of Geology 82468
Hand GEOL 100 AB Survey of Geology 92773
Hand GEOL 101 AA Geology Laboratory 82470
Hand OCEN 100 AA Oceanography 82772
Hand PALN 110 AA General Paleontology 88722
Hand PALN 110 AB General Paleontology 93344
Hankamp BIOL 110 AX Genl Principles of Biology 83342
Hankamp BIOL 110 BX Genl Principles of Biology 81824
Hankamp BIOL 220 WAA General Botany 93224
Hankamp BIOL 220 WAB General Botany 95388
Hankamp BIOL 310 ONH Nutrition 94645
Heath ACTG 100 OLH Accounting Procedures 92118
Heath ACTG 100 OMH Accounting Procedures 95242
Heath ACTG 121 AC Financial Accounting 95246
Heath ACTG 131 AA Managerial Accounting 81634
Heath ACTG 131 JA Managerial Accounting 89563
Kaur NURS 212 EX Concepts Of Homeostasis 89658
Kaur NURS 232 AX Medical/Surgical Nursing 82768
Kaur NURS 232 BX Medical/Surgical Nursing 83331
Kaur NURS 232 CX Medical/Surgical Nursing 83332
Kaur NURS 232 EX Medical/Surgical Nursing 83334
Kaur NURS 232 DX Medical/Surgical Nursing 89822
Kaur NURS 666 S1H Careers Exploration in Nursing 84954
Lawrence ENGL 165 BD Comp, Argument & Crit Thinking 93135
Locke PHYS 100 OLH Conceptual Physics 95048
Locke PHYS 101 OLH Conceptual Physics Lab 95395
Locke PHYS 211 OLH General Physics I Calculus Sup 85472
Locke PHYS 260 AX Physics with Calculus II 82800
Locke PHYS 260 BX Physics with Calculus II 95147
Lord ACTG 163 OLH Auditing 90931
Luong COUN 111 D1 College Planning 95391
Luong COUN 121 E1 Planning for Student Success 94681
Mangin-Hinkley ENGL 105 AV Intensive Composition &Reading 95343
Mangin-Hinkley ENGL 110 BL Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 92791
Mangin-Hinkley ENGL 838 AA Intensive Intro toComp/Reading 89468
McCarthy ASL 100 JA American Sign Language I 95031
Miner ENGL 100 AV Composition and Reading 89110
Miner ENGL 110 AK Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 93000
Mullane PSYC 100 CB General Psychology 82846
Mullane PSYC 100 OLH General Psychology 93462
Mullane PSYC 410 AA Abnormal Psychology 93275
Mullane PSYC 410 OLH Abnormal Psychology 93812
Mullane SOSC 301 AA Intro to Alcohol/Drug Studies 95505
Murphy ENGL 110 BD Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 82259
Murphy IDST 101 HN Humanities Honors Seminar I 94698
Murphy IDST 103 HN Humanities Honors Seminar II 94699
Murphy ESL 827 AB Writing Non Native Speakers III 82348
Murphy ESL 828 AE Writing Non Native Spkrs IV 94353
Nixon SPAN 110 AX Elementary Spanish 82967
Nixon SPAN 110 BX Elementary Spanish 91571
Nixon SPAN 112 AX Elementary Spanish II 86956
Nixon SPAN 112 BX Elementary Spanish II 91573
Nixon SPAN 120 AX Advanced Elementary Spanish 82976
Nixon SPAN 122 AX Advanced Elementary Spanish II 94546
Nixon SPAN 131 AX Intermediate Spanish I 82977
Nixon SPAN 132 AX Intermediate Spanish II 82978
Nixon SPAN 140 AX Advanced Intermediate Spanish 82979
Perez BIOL 100 OMH Intro to the Life Sciences 93222
Perez BIOL 130 OLH Human Biology 91020
Perez BIOL 250 JX Human Anatomy 90375
Perez BIOL 250 KX Human Anatomy 90376
Price CIS 254 AA Intro Object Oriented Pgm Dsgn 88611
Roach LIBR 100 OMH Intro. to Library Research 91678
Waechtler NURS 211 AX Introduction to Nursing 82765
Waechtler NURS 211 BX Introduction to Nursing 83293
Waechtler NURS 211 CX Introduction to Nursing 83297
Waechtler NURS 211 DX Introduction to Nursing 88587
Waechtler NURS 211 EX Introduction to Nursing 89657
Waechtler NURS 212 CX Concepts Of Homeostasis 83310
Waechtler NURS 212 DX Concepts Of Homeostasis 88590
Waechtler NURS 212 EX Concepts Of Homeostasis 89658
Waechtler NURS 212 BX Concepts Of Homeostasis 83311
Waechtler NURS 212 AX Concepts Of Homeostasis 82766
Wallace ENGL 105 AA Intensive Composition &Reading 95024
Wallace ENGL 105 AB Intensive Composition &Reading 95329
Wallace ENGL 110 BB Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking 82260
Wallace ENGL 838 AB Intensive Intro to Comp/Reading 93615
Walton DANC 100 AA Dance Appreciation 95353
Walton DANC 128.1 LX Latin Dance 94460
Walton DANC 128.2 LX Latin Dance II 94859
Walton DANC 128.3 LX Latin Dance III 95312
Walton DANC 151.1 JX Social Dance I 93947
Walton DANC 151.2 JX Social Dance II 93948
Walton DANC 151.3 JX Social Dance III 93953
Westfold ESL 828 AF Writing Non Native Spkrs IV 92796
Westfold ESL 828 AI Writing Non Native Spkrs IV 95302