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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
Transfer Guide
(updated January, 2016)

Architects design the overall aesthetic and look of buildings and other structures, and also assure that the resulting projects are functional, safe, economical, and suitable to the needs of the people who use them. Architects may be involved in all phases of development, from the initial discussion with the client through the entire construction process. Their duties require specific skills—designing, engineering, managing, supervising, and communicating with clients and builders. The Architecture Program at CSM has a long history of preparing students to transfer to architecture Bachelors degree programs throughout California and the West.

In addition to architecture design classes, architecture students are required to take physics and calculus, along with general education courses. Students should meet with a counselor prior to selecting courses. A recommended course of study for students interested in architecture is as follows:

First Year, Fall Semester
Arch 666 Introduction to Architecture
Arch 120 Architecture + Design Drawing 1: Drawing and Visual Thinking
English per placement test
Math per placement test and transfer plans

First Year, Spring Semester
Arch 100 Survey of Contemporary Architecture
Arch 140 Architecture + Design Drawing 2 : Design Communication
Arch 210 Design I:Introduction to Architecture, Environmental Design, and the Design Process
English to follow Fall course
Math to follow Fall course

Second Year, Fall Semester
Arch 100, 666 if not completed in first year
Arch 220 Design 2: Architecture: Design, Form , and the Built Environment
Major selective courses in ART, DGME, or DRAF
Math, Physics, and General Education courses as needed

Second Year, Spring Semester
Arch 100 if not completed in first year
Design-build experience
Major selective courses in ART, DGME, or DRAF
Math, Physics, and General Education courses as needed

Transfer Information:
In addition to architecture classes and general education, the following are required for transfer in architecture.
Note that all these courses have prerequisites; see your counselor for more information.  Most transfer schools
include a portfolio review as part of the transfer admissions process.


U.C. Berkeley requires:
Math 241 Applied Calculus I  or Math 251 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I
Additional math is required to meet the prerequisites for Berkeley's physics requirement; see below.

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo requires:
Math 251 & Math 252

Cal Poly Pomona requires:
Math 130 Analytic Trigonometry


U.C. Berkeley requires:
Phys 210 General Physics I & 211 General Physics I - Calculus Supplement (requires completion of or concurrent enrollment in Math 242 Applied Calculus II or Math 252 Calculus with analytic Geometry II)
Phys 250 Physics with Calculus I (requires completion of or concurrent enrollment in Math 252 Calculus with analytic Geometry II)

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo requires:
Phys 210 & Phys 220 General Physics II
Phys 250 & Phys 270 Physics with Calculus III (requires completion of or concurrent enrollment in Math 252 Calculus with analytic Geometry III)

Cal Poly Pomona requires:
Phys 210

For more information on architecture at CSM and beyond, contact John Lucchesi,