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April 14, 2025
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Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)

The Academic Senates of the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges approved the implementation in Fall 1991 of an Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), a series of courses that community college students can use to satisfy lower division general education requirements at any CSU or UC campus.

Completion of the IGETC does not guarantee admission to CSU or UC. The IGETC permits a student to transfer from a community college to a campus in either the CSU or UC system without the need, after transfer, to take additional lower-division general education courses to satisfy campus G.E. requirements.

Completion of the IGETC is not a requirement for admission to a CSU or UC, nor is it the only way to fulfill the lower-division general education requirements of the CSU or UC prior to transfer. Students may find it advantageous to take courses fulfilling CSU's general education requirements or those of a particular UC campus. Students pursuing majors that require extensive lower-division major preparation may not find the IGETC option to be their best choice. The IGETC will probably be most useful for students who want to keep their options open before making a final decision about transferring to a particular CSU or UC campus.

In preparing for transfer to a CSU or UC campus in a specific major, students should consult their counselor/advisor concerning recommended major preparation courses which parallel those taken by freshmen and sophomores at the CSU/UC campus.

Those that are looking to find the limitations of IGETC or are trying to get advice involving IGETC should use the navigation on the left to get more details.

For IGETC Certification, use WebSMART to request an official transcript and under the Delivery Method option select "Mail Transcript and IGETC."