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Call 9-1-1 or
Crisis Center Hotline - 24 Hours
(650) 579-0350
You are not alone – nor do you have to endure pain in silence and separation. Making connection allows your feelings to become bearable.

This page provides local and national emergency, crisis, and special topic contact information for multiple agencies. It is our privilege to be of service.

Campus Resources
Health Services Center (650) 574-6396
Personal Counseling & Wellness Services (650) 574-6396
Public Safety (650) 574-6415
Veterans Services (650) 574-6675

Crisis Assistance
OrganizationLocationContact Information
Alameda County 24-Hour Crisis Line
Response for Tri-Valley (East County)  
Local (800) 309-2131
(800) 491-9099
Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Center, 24 Hour Crisis Line
South County (Belmont-East Palo Alto)
Local  (650) 368-6655 youth chat site
California Youth Crisis Line Statewide (800) 843-5200
Hopeline Spanish Suicide Hotline National (800) SUI-CIDA
Hopeline Suicide Prevention, 24-Hour Crisis Line National (800) 784-2433
National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 24-Hour Crisis Line National (800) 273-TALK Phone
(800) 799-4TTY TTY
Psychiatric Emergency Services - San Mateo Medical Center Local  (650) 573-2662
San Mateo County Crisis Center 24-Hour Hotline  Local  (800) 273-6222

AIDS/HIV and other STDS
OrganizationLocationContact Information
AIDS Community Research Consortium Local (650) 483-4187
AIDS/HIV Nightline: Confidential emotional support Local (800) 628-9240 Phone
AIDS Hotline National (800) CDC-INFO (232-4636) Phone
(888) 232-6348 TTY
AIDS Information National (800) 448-0440 Phone
(888) 480-3739 TTY
Monday-Friday, 1-4 pm EST
HIV Health Info Line Local (800) 822-7422 Phone
Monday-Friday, 10 am - 4 pm PST
Call-back service only
(415) 558-9051 Phone
San Francisco Bay Area
American Liver Foundation
Your Liver - Your Life
National (800) GO LIVER (800) 465-4837
Hepatitis C Helpline National (877) HELP-4-HEP (435-7443)
Monday-Friday, 9 am - 7 pm EST
Herpes Hotline National (919) 361-8488
Monday-Friday, 9 am - 6 pm EST
Information only
STD Resource Center National (919) 361-8488


OrganizationLocationContact Information
Alameda County Medical Center
  William Shanks (Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist)
(510) 437-5099
Bay Area Breast Cancer Network
Spanish Hotline
(408) 261-1425
(408) 261-1425
(800) 986-9505
Bay Area Young Survivors 
(310) 367-7288
(415) 786-8606
Breast Cancer Connections
Local (650) 326-6299
(650) 326-6686
Breast Cancer Emergency Fund Local (415) 558-6999 x8
National Breast Cancer Foundation - MyNBCF National
Stanford Cancer Supportive Care Program
Holly Gautier, RN (Director)

(650) 725-9481
Palo Alto Medical Foundation - Sutter Health (Breast Cancer Program) Local  (650) 853-2906
UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center Local

Domestic/Sexual Violence
OrganizationLocationContact Information
Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach Local (415) 567-6255
Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse (CORA) Local  (650) 312-8515
(800) 300-1080
Domestic Violence Hotline National (800) 799-SAFE Phone
(800) 787-3224 TTY
El Centro de Libertad Local (650) 599-9955
Rape Trauma Services Hotline Local  (650) 692-7273 
Rape Trauma Services Information Local  (650) 652-0598 
Woman Inc. Hotline Local  (415) 864-4722
(877) 384-3578 
Woman Inc. Information Local (415) 864-4777

Eating Disorders
OrganizationLocationContact Information
Cielo House Local (650) 455-9242
Confidential voicemail
Eating Disorder Helpline National  (800) 931-2237 
Monday-Thursday 9 am - 9 pm
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Local (781) 932-6300
Palo Alto Medical Foundation - Sutter Health (Nutrition Therapy)
Palo Alto
(650) 853-2961
(510) 498-2184
Stanford - Lucille Packard Children's Hospital (Women up to 21)  Local (650) 498-4468
Mills-Peninsula Health Services
Psychiatric Emergency Services
Routine Assessments
(650) 696-5915
(650) 696-4666
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) National  (630) 577-1330
Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm CT 
UCSF Adolescent and Young Adult Eating Disorders Program
UCSF, Marin Clinic, Pleasanton Clinic
Langley Porter Psychiatry Institute
(415) 353-2002
(415) 476-7500

Family Support Services
OrganizationLocationContact Information
Cal-Learn - California for Pregnant and Parenting Teens, moms and dads, who receive CalWORKs/TANF Statewide 
To find your county
County of San Mateo Human Services
1 Davis Drive, Belmont
650) 802-7500
Family Service Agency of San Mateo Local (650) 403-4300 
Family and Children Services Palo Alto  Local (650) 326-6576 
Family Service Agency of San Francisco Local (415) 474-7310 
Hopeline Post Partum Depression Hotline-Peer Support National (800) PPD-MOMS
Peninsula Family Service
Cantonese and Mandarin
LGBT Community
Spanish/La Esperanza Vive
Local (650) 403-4300
San Mateo County Parent Support Line Local  (888) 220-7575 
Mission Hospice and Home Care
Bereavement Support

1670 South Amphlett Boulevard, Suite 300, San Mateo
Local  (650) 554-1000
San Mateo
South San Francisco
Local (650) 355-3900
(650) 349-7969
(650) 579 0350 Crisis Line 
(650) 877-8642
Juvo Local

(877) 200-JUVO

 Foster Care
OrganizationLocationContact Information
California College Pathways
John Burton Foundation
(415) 348-0011
California Youth Connection Local
Casey Family Programs (Bay Area Field Office) Local (510) 444-4025
(888) 645-0616 (Toll-free)
Foster Care Outreach Local (877) 846-1602
Foster Care to Success National
Kids Matter Inc. National
San Mateo County Human Services Agency (Children and Family Services)
Foster Care Eligibility
Homefinding Unit
(650) 802-5103
(650) 802-7637

Grief Support
OrganizationLocationContact Information
Alameda County Crisis Support-Face to Face-Grief Counseling
24 Hour Grief Crisis Line
Local  (800) 260-0094 
(800) 309-2131
Gronowski Center Local  (650) 961-9300
Monday-Thursday, 10 am - 8 pm
Friday, 10 am-3 pm 
Integral Counseling Center SF, Church Street
Integral Counseling Center SF, Pierce Street
Local  (415) 648-2644 Message
(415) 776-3109 Message
Kara Grief Counseling Local  (650) 321-5272 Monday-Friday
9 am - 4 pm
La Clinica de la Raza: Casa del Sol Local (510) 535-6200
Mission Hospice and Home Care
Bereavement Support
1670 South Amphlett Boulevard, Suite 300, San Mateo
Local (650) 554-1000
Oak Tree Bereavement Center Local (415) 806-7169
Sutter Care at Home (Youth Bereavement Program) Local  (650) 685-2806


OrganizationLocationContact Information
Bread for Life Local (650) 326-9796
Free meal at 1852 Bay Rd.
East Palo Alto, 94303
Tue.-Thur., 5-6 pm
Ecumenical Hunger Program Local (650) 323-7781
Free meal at 1425 Bay Rd.
East Palo Alto, 94303
Wed., 5-6 pm
Food Assistance Program (CalFresh) Local (800) 223-8383
Food Connection Hotline Local (800) 984-FOOD (984-3663)
Institute for Health and Healing Local (415) 600-3503
Meals on Wheels
San Mateo to Daly City
Belmont to East Palo Alto 
(800) 675-8437
(800) 726-9056
(800) 738-7350
(800) 323-2022
No Strings Attached Breakfast Local (650) 726-9056
Free breakfast at 535 Kelly Ave. 
Half Moon Bay, 94019
Sat. 10:30-11:30 am
North Peninsula Food Pantry and Dining Center Local (650) 994-5150
$6.41 meal at 31 Bepler St. 
Daly City, 94014
Mon., Tue., Thur., 5-6pm
Salvation Army Local (650) 266-4591
Free meal at 409 S. Spruce Ave.
South San Francisco, 94080:
Sat., 10:30-11:30 am
Samaritan House Kitchen Local (650) 341-4081
Free dinner at 603 Monte Diablo Ave.
San Mateo, 94403
Mon.-Fri., 5-6 pm
Free lunch at 4031 Pacific Blvd.
San Mateo, 94403:
Sat., Sun., 12-1 pm
Second Harvest Food Bank

(650) 610-0800
(800) 984-3663
St. Anthony's Padua Dining Room Local (650) 365-9664
Free meal at 3500 Middlefield Rd.
Menlo Park, 94025:
Mon.-Sat., 11 am-1 pm
St. Francis Center Local  (650) 365-7829
St. Vincent de Paul Society Local (650) 343-9251 

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ)
OrganizationLocationContact Information
GLBT National Hotline National  (888) 843-4564
Monday-Friday, 1-9 pm PST
Saturday, 9 am-2 pm PST 
GLBT National Youth Talkline National (800) 246-PRIDE 
Monday-Friday, 1-9 pm PST
Saturday, 9 am-2 pm PST 
Trevor Project LGBTQ Youth Suicide Hotline National  (866) 488-7386 Phone
(202) 304-1200 TTY
Text the word "Trevor" Friday, 1-5 pm PST

Mental Health Resources
OrganizationLocationContact Information
ACCESS TEAM San Mateo County Mental Health Local  (800) 686-0101 
Anger Management and Domestic Abuse Therapy Center Local (650) 375-0449
Caminar Local (650) 578-8691
Mental Health Association of Alameda County Local  (510) 835-5010
Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm
Mental Health Association of San Mateo County
(also serves HIV/AIDS)
Local  (650) 368-3345
Mental Research Institute Local (650) 321-3055
Mills-Peninsula Health Services (Behavioral Health Services) Local (650) 696-4666
National Alliance on Mental Illness (San Mateo) Local (650) 638-0800
Puente de la Costa Sur  Local (650) 879-1691
Stigma Free San Mateo County Local
United Way Helpline (Community Referrals for San Mateo County) Local  (800) 273-6222 
Youth Services Center Local (650) 312-5350

Multilingual Information
OrganizationLocationContact Information
Asian Community Mental Health Services Local  (510) 451-6729 
El Concilio of San Mateo County (Nuestro Canto de Salud) Local (650) 373-1080
La Clinica de la Raza: Cultura y Bienestar Local  (510) 535-6200 
Pyramid Alternatives
Chinese Parenting Program

Spanish Speaking Parent Support Group
(650) 516-0347, Ting-Yi Huang,
(650) 355-8787 x132, Nadine Gonzales Lopez
Richmond Area Multi-Services (Chinese, Russian and other Asian languages) Local  (415) 668-5955 

Prevention of Violence
OrganizationLocationContact Information
Brady Campaign and Brady Center - to Prevent Gun Violence National

OrganizationLocationContact Information
Catholic Charities San Mateo Local  (650) 295-2160 
Christian Counseling Centers, Inc.  Local (650) 570-7273
Jewish Family and Children's Services San Mateo Local  (650) 931-1800 
Jewish Family and Children's Services Palo Alto Local  (650) 688-3030 

Substance Abuse
OrganizationLocationContact Information
Alcohol and Drug Helpline Local (650) 573-3950
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Recovery Helpline National (866) 643-6144
Breathe California Local (650) 994-5868
California Smokers' Helpline Local (800) NOBUTTS (662-8887)
El Centro de Libertad  Local (650) 599-9955
Free at Last Local (650) 462-6999
Hope House (Women's Transitional Recovery House) Local (650) 363-8769
Latino Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Local (650) 244-1444
Mills-Peninsula Health Services
Chemical Dependency Center
24-Hour Crisis Line
(650) 696-4666
(650) 696-5915
National Drug Information, Treatment and Referral Hotline National  (800) 662-HELP (4357)
Our Common Ground
Adolescent Program
Adult Program
(650) 367-9030 x15
(866) 325-6466
Palm Avenue Detoxification Program Local (650) 513-6500
Project 90 Local (650) 579-7881
Pyramid Alternatives Local (650) 355-8787
San Mateo County Alcohol and Drug Line, 24-Hour Crisis Line Local  (650) 573-3950 
Sequoia Center for Treatment Local  (650) 364-5504
Monday-Thursday 8 am - 5:30 pm.
Fridays 8 am - 5 pm
Solidarity Fellowship (Men) Local (650) 341-3803
Women's Recovery Association (Residential and Outpatient) Local (650) 348-6603

OrganizationLocationContact Information
Hopeline Veteran Support National  (877) VET-2VET (838-2838)
Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System
Addiction Consultation and Treatment Services
Mental Health Clinic
Peninsula Vet Center
(866) 717-1978
(650) 493-5000 x22234
(650) 299-0672
Veterans Affairs San Francisco Health Care System
San Bruno Outpatient Clinic
(650) 615-6000
Veterans Crisis Line

National  (800) 273-TALK (press 1)
838-255 TTY