Presidents' Day Weekend
February 14-17, 2025
Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 14, 2025
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Contact Us

Keira Travis
(650) 574-6531
“Without literature, life is hell.”

—Charles Bukowski

Literature invites you to embrace the familiar, engage with the strange, make friends for a lifetime, lose yourself, find yourself, and inhabit other realities as you make sense of your own. 

Learn how to explore philosophy, science, psychology, history, ethnic studies, anthropology, art, sociology, and more, using imagination as your guide.  

It might not be hell, as Bukowski claims, but without literature, life is less meaningful.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Literature classes different from other English classes you’ve taken?  
Yes, very much so. While our courses do require writing, you’ll focus primarily on reading and responding rather than practice in composition skills. 

Do Literature classes transfer? 
Yes, literature classes are an engaging way to fulfill the Humanities requirement in IGETC and all other transfer programs.

Can I major in English? 
Yes, indeed. If you thrive on reading and conversing about good books, you should consider it. Our courses satisfy requirements for the English AA degree and our two-year Literature program will articulate directly with most core English major requirements at UC and CSU.

I need a book club that challenges me, but I don’t want to be graded. What are my options?  
Our Literature classes can be taken as 2-unit, credit/no-credit classes if you enroll in our 800-level series. Here, you can read and engage with a professor and other students without having to worry about grades or write papers.

Literature Classes

Visit Webschedule to view current classes.