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Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Cesar Chavez Day (Holiday)
March 31, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information

The AA-T major in English prepares students for transfer into bachelor’s degree programs in English and similar areas. With a bachelor’s degree or advanced degree, careers include positions as advertising copy writer or manager, columnist/journalist, editor, educator, freelance writer, information specialist, lexicographer, librarian, media planner, novelist, poet, public relations officer, publisher, radio/ television announcer, reporter, researcher, technical writer, and writing consultant. Additional career opportunities include business administrator, civil servant, clergy member, foreign service officer, fund raiser, insurance examiner, legislative assistant, and program developer.

Degree Requirements
  • 18 semester units
  • Complete General Education and major requirements as noted below.
  • A grade of "C" or higher is required for each course applied to the major.
Required Core Course:

ENGL 110 Composition, Literature & Critical Thinking 3 units
ENGL 165 Composition, Argument, and Critical Thinking 3 units

List A: Any two courses from the following (6 units)

LIT 201     American Literature I 3 units
LIT 202 American Literature II 3 units
LIT 231 Survey of English Literature I 3 units
LIT 232 Survey of English Literature II 3 units

List B: Any one course from the following, or any List A course not used above, or any English course articulated for preparation for the English major at any CSU (3 units)

Any List A course not used above 3 units
LIT 101 Twentieth-Century Literature 3 units
LIT 105 The Bible as Literature 3 units
LIT 113 The Novel 3 units
LIT 151 Shakespeare 3 units
LIT 430 Greek Mythology and Classical Literature 3 units
ENGL 161 Creative Writing I 3 units

Group C: Any one course from the following or any course from List A or B not used above or any CSU transferable English course (3 units):

ENGL 100 Composition and Reading 3 units
ENGL 162 Creative Writing II 3 units
ENGL 163 Creative Writing III 3 units
LIT 115 The Short Poem in English: A Survey 3 units
LIT 220 Introduction to World Literature 3 units
LIT 277 Film and Literature 3 units
SPAN 110 Elementary Spanish 5 units
SPAN 112 Elementary Spanish II 3 units
SPAN 120 Advanced Elementary Spanish 5 units
SPAN 122 Advanced Elementary Spanish II 3 units
SPAN 131 Intermediate Spanish I 3 units
SPAN 132 Intermediate Spanish II 3 units
SPAN 140 Advanced Intermediate Spanish 3 units
CHIN 111 Elementary Chinese I 3 units
CHIN 112 Elementary Chinese II 3 units
CHIN 121 Advanced Elementary Chinese I 3 units
CHIN 122 Advanced Elementary Chinese II 3 units
CHIN 131 Intermediate Chinese I 3 units
CHIN 132 Intermediate Chinese II 3 units
BUS 401 Business Communications 3 units
COMM 170 Oral Interpretation I 3 units
COMM 171 Oral Interpretation II 3 units

General Education requirements:
Select courses to complete CSU General Education or IGETC or CSU. This degree does not require the CSM AA/AS General Education pattern

Area A1     Oral Communication 3 units
Area A2 Written Communication 3 units
Area A3 Critical Thinking 3 units
Area B1 Physical Science 3 units
Area B2 Life Science 3 units
Area B3 Science Lab 1 unit
Area B4 Math Concepts 3 units
Area C1 Arts 3 units
Area C2 Humanities 3 units
Area C1 or C2 3 units
Area D Social, Polical, and Economic Institutions 9 units
Area E Lifelong Understanding 3 units


Area 1A     English Composition 3 units
Area 1B Critical Thinking/Composition 3 units
Area 1C Oral Communication 3 units
Area 2 Math Concepts 3 units
Area 3A Arts 3 units
Area 3B Humanities 3 units
Area 3A or 3B 3 units
Area 4 Social and Behavioral Science 9 units
Area 5A Physical Science 3 units
Area 5B Biological Science 3 units
Area 5C Either 5A or 5B must be a lab course 1 unit

Additional CSU tranferable courses based on student interest to reach 60 transferable units total.