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Presidents' Day Weekend
February 14-17, 2025
Spring Recess
March 30 - April 5, 2025
Flex Day (No Classes)
April 17, 2025
Request Information
College Policies
Section C: Parking Citation Appeals

Parking citations may be contested by completing a request online by visiting Anyone may contest a citation within 21 calendar days of the issue date of your citation. Once on the site, select where the citation was issued (CaƱada, CSM or Skyline). The appeal will start with a "1st Level Initial Review". There is no fee to contest the citation at this level. Request a "1st Level Initial Review" by following the instructions below:
  1. Enter the citation # and press SEARCH. If the citation qualifies for an appeal, a CONTEST ONLINE link to the contesting form will appear to the right of the citation number.
  2. Indicate the reason(s) why the citation was issued in error.
  3. Include any documentation to support the claim
  4. Include the citation or reminder notice
  5. Include full name
  6. Include mailing address
  7. Make copies of all documents for your records (documents will not be returned)
  8. Mail all information to: Office of Parking Violations SMCCD College of San Mateo PO Box 9003 Redwood City, CA 94065-9003
The student, staff, or person will receive a written response from the citation processing agency reflecting the results of the appeal.

If the individual is dissatisfied with the results of the appeal, the individual may obtain an administrative hearing. The directions for obtaining an administrative hearing are included on the written response to the citation appeal. A written response from the citation reflecting the results of the administrative hearing will be provided by the processing agency.

If dissatisfied with the outcome of the administrative hearing the individual a hearing before a judge can be obtained. The directions for obtaining a judicial hearing are included on the written response to the administrative hearing.