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College Policies
Step 1 - College Procedure

Before initiating formal grievance procedures, the student should attempt to resolve the dispute informally with the staff member concerned. If the dispute is not resolved, the student may initiate a formal grievance in accordance with the procedures set forth below.
  1. First Level

    The initial grievance must be filed with the administrator, or appropriate committee, responsible for the area in which the dispute arose. In presenting a grievance, the student shall submit a written statement to include, where appropriate, the following information:

    1. A statement describing the nature of the problem and the action which the student desires taken.
    2. A statement of the steps initiated by the student to resolve the problem by informal means.
    3. A description of the general and specific grounds on which the grievance is based.
    4. A listing, if relevant, of the names of all persons involved in the matter at issue and the times, places, and events in which each person so named was involved.

    The designated administrator or committee chairperson shall provide the student with a hearing, if requested, and shall review the grievance. A written notice of the decision shall be provided to the student, within ten days of the review of the student's grievance. In the event that the grievance is not resolved to the student's satisfaction, he or she may appeal the decision or action and will be advised in writing of the process to do so.

  2. Second Level

    1. In the event that the grievance has not been resolved at the first level, the student may appeal in writing to the administrator, or appropriate committee, responsible for the area in which the first decision or action was taken. This appeal must be made within five days after receipt of the written decision made or action taken in response to the initial grievance.
    2. In the event the President is not involved at the second level, the student may request a review of the appeal within five days after receipt of the decision made or action taken in response to the appeal. The President shall provide the student with a hearing, if requested, and shall review the appeal. A written notice of the President's decision shall be provided to the student within ten days of the review of the student's written request for the review. In the event that the President's response is not satisfactory to the student, he or she may appeal the decision or action. This student will be advised in writing of his/her further rights of appeal.
Continue to Step 2 - District Procedure