Student Experience at College of San Mateo
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Student Experience
Jasmine Flores
Jasmine Flores San Jose State University, Electrical Engineering

As a little girl, CSM transfer student Jasmine Flores learned about science and math from her father.  Their conversations sparked her curiosity. “I was intrigued to learn how math and science, and especially physics, apply to the world,” Jasmine says. Her growing interest in those subjects guided her decision to major in engineering and also led to a NASA internship. Jasmine is currently enrolled in San Jose State University’s (SJSU) highly competitive electrical engineering program.

Jasmine got an early start on her college education by attending community college classes while she was a student at Newark Memorial High School. It was an experience that changed her mind about college. She explains,” I found that I really liked the community college environment so I decided I would finish my first two years at CSM even though I was eligible to attend a university right out of high school. I chose CSM because I had grown up on the Peninsula and knew it had a beautiful campus and a great reputation as a transfer school.  In hindsight, it was the right move. I was able to pursue my major in engineering plus I saved a lot of money which has helped to pay for my university education.”

Jasmine took classes at both CSM and Cañada College to prepare for her major.  “My professors were very supportive and encouraging. They rooted for my success which made me feel more secure in a difficult field of study. The field of engineering can be intimidating for women because there are so few of us in this major compared to male students. However, I’ve learned to stay focused on my own success and I’ve formed friendships with other women in my classes.”

The preparation for her major was rigorous; it relied heavily on science and math and demanded long hours of work outside the classroom, but Jasmine was anything but intimidated. “My classes were tough and I struggled in a few, but I have always liked being challenged. Applied Calculus II taught by CSM Professor Nishanian was definitely my favorite math class; he was friendly and always willing to help. Succeeding in that class helped to boost my confidence so I could continue with my engineering major. I had many great professors who genuinely cared about their students.”

At the end of her second year at CSM, Jasmine had achieved a strong academic record; consequently she was selected to participate in a summer internship sponsored by NASA. “My internship gave me the opportunity to see first-hand the kind of graduate work that is being done and how it differs from undergraduate studies. Another benefit was that I met people working and studying in the field. Because I attended community college, I had this great opportunity.”

In fall 2014, Jasmine transferred from CSM to SJSU as an electrical engineering major. “I feel that I was extremely well-prepared for university-level work because of my community college education.  I’m really loving college and I’m up for the challenges of tough classes. I have CSM to thank for molding me into the student I am today.”

After graduation, Jasmine plans to pursue a career as a power engineer working with electrical power systems.