President’s Message
Welcome to the introductory issue of the President’s eNews. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep the college community informed about important issues, news, events and as a means to celebrate accomplishments of faculty, staff and our students. eNews will be produced on a monthly basis and more often, as news and other developments warrant.
I think you will find this newsletter easy to view and navigate as it will provide a “quick read” of college news with links that lead to more in-depth information and articles. Although CSM Internal will no longer be publishing a newsletter, you will still be able to access its wealth of resources.
I would like to launch this first issue with information about some of the developments that have occurred since we graduated the class of 2007. You will find this information in the links that follow this message.
The President’s eNews is a work in progress. I expect it will evolve over time and I hope that it provides the kind of information that you are looking for. Please let us know what you think of it and what kind of articles you would like to see included. Send your responses to
Accreditation Self Study Available Online
Planetarium is Back in Business
College Launches Major Marketing, Outreach and Recruiting Effort
CSM Alumni Inducted Into Sports Hall of Fame
CSM Grad’s Success Story
College Introduces New Job-Training Program
New Research Brief Focuses on Writing |